Compulsory school age
Most children start school in the September following their fourth birthday, however children only become compulsory school age at the start of the term following their fifth birthday.
They are required to remain in education until the last Friday in June providing they turn 16 on or before 31 August.
Starting school
Children who start school in the September following their fourth birthday enter a year group known as Reception. The school place must be applied for in advance, this is known as first time admissions and is coordinated by the local authority.
For advice on helping you child be ready for school is available at
Transfer from infant to junior school
Infant schools only take children in reception, year one and year two. Parents and carers are required to make a junior transfer application to the local authority to secure a place in a junior school for the start of year three.
Transfer from primary to secondary
In Leicester city the primary and junior schools only take children until the end of year six. Parents and carers are required to make a secondary transfer application to the local authority to secure a place in a secondary school for the start of year seven.
Moving schools
If you have moved addresses, recently arrived in Leicester or wish to change the school your child is registered with, you will need to make an in-year admissions application.
School leaving age
Pupils in year 11 are allowed to leave school on the last Friday of June in the summer term. After which they must then do one of the following until they are 18:
- stay in full-time education, for example at a college
- start an apprenticeship or traineeship
- spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training
Support is available through Connexions to help young people into further education, apprenticeships and employment.