Q Card Index
Safeguarding | Leadership and management | Teaching and Learning |
A clean environment |
Action planning Adapting to change Appraisals 1 Appraisals 2 Are you self-aware Childminders - Employing and assistant Coaching and mentoring Communication skills Confident Learning walks Conflict resolution CPD Champion CPD Opportunities Decisions as a team Delegation Developing effective teamwork Difference between leadership and management Effective Supervision Inspection confidence Leadership Learning and development CPD Let's reflect - Building a Team Let's reflect - Quality leadership skills Let's reflect - Recruitment & Induction Let's reflect - Strategic Leadership Approach Let's reflect- Policy & Procedures Let's reflect- Staff Retention Medical needs Monitoring Multiagency working (1) Multiagency working (2) Networking Observing Practice Outstanding Leadership Peer observations Peer Support Positive organisational culture Recognition and praise Record retention Recruitment - marketing Recruitment - process and procedure Recruitment - what are you looking for Retention Review your supervision process SMART targets Staff Induction 1 Staff Induction 2 Staff wellbeing SWOT analysis Team Meetings Time management What kind of a leader am I Under 2’s – The right person for the role Under 2’s – Who can help |
Under 2's - Understanding milestones
Expressive arts and design Literacy Maths Personal, social and emotional development Physical Understanding the world The 3 Is – Impact The 3 Is – Implement The 3 I's – Intent What makes your setting unique
7 KF-High quality care 7 KF-Self regulation and executive function 7 KF-The best for every child 7 KF-Assessment- checking on what children have learnt 7 KF-Partnership with parents 7 KF-Pedagogy-helping children learn 7 KF-The curriculum- what we want children to learn
Differing philosophies Learning styles Learning through play Metacognition Scaffolding
Characteristics of effective learning-Active learning Characteristics of effective learning-Creating and thinking critically Characteristics of effective learning-Playing and exploring Schemas Sustained shared thinking
What have you done today Transitions Attachment Developing relationships - settling in Emotions - feeling secure Professional love
Active Vs Sedentary Being Resourceful Displays Free flow Imagination Outdoor Play The Elements Using scrap Outdoor environment and resources
Child development- Communication and language Child development- Expressive arts and design Child development- Literacy Child development- Mathematics Child development- Personal, social and emotional Child development- Physical Child development- Understanding the world Child development-Holistic approach
Encouraging independence Child initiated play Childs interests Cultural capital Voice of the child
Let’s Reflect - 7 Key Features Let’s Reflect – Assessment Let’s Reflect - Child Development Let's Reflect – COEL Let’s Reflect - Key Person Let's Reflect – Observations Let's Reflect – Pedagogy Let's Reflect – Planning Let's Reflect - Quality Curriculum Let's Reflect – Resources Let's Reflect - The learning environment Let's Reflect - Unique Child Under 2’s – Understanding milestones Under 2’s – Getting the routine right Under 2’s – Curriculum for under 2’s Under 2’s – Understanding babies brain development |
Leadership and management |
Action planning Adapting to change Appraisals 1 Appraisals 2 Are you self-aware Childminders - Employing and assistant Coaching and mentoring Communication skills Confident Learning walks Conflict resolution CPD Champion CPD Opportunities Decisions as a team Delegation Developing effective teamwork Difference between leadership and management Effective Supervision Inspection confidence Leadership Learning and development CPD Let's reflect - Building a Team Let's reflect - Quality leadership skills Let's reflect - Recruitment & Induction Let's reflect - Strategic Leadership Approach Let's reflect- Policy & Procedures Let's reflect- Staff Retention Medical needs Monitoring Multiagency working (1) Multiagency working (2) Networking Observing Practice Outstanding Leadership Peer observations Peer Support Positive organisational culture Recognition and praise Record retention Recruitment - marketing Recruitment - process and procedure Recruitment - what are you looking for Retention Review your supervision process SMART targets Staff Induction 1 Staff Induction 2 Staff wellbeing SWOT analysis Team Meetings Time management What kind of a leader am I Under 2’s – The right person for the role Under 2’s – Who can help |
3. Teaching and Learning | |
Observation, assessment and planning |
Under 2's - Understanding milestones
Quality Curriculum |
7 Key features of effective practice |
Assessment – checking what children have learnt Pedagogy - helping children learn |
Pedagogy |