Safeguarding Leadership and management Teaching and Learning

A clean environment
Accidents and medication
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Are you listening
Attendance matters
Contextual Safeguarding
Crying babies - at home
Crying babies - in your setting
CSE 1 Building Resilience
CSE Building Resilience 2
Disguised Compliance
Domestic abuse
Early Help
Food safety
How safe is your building
How safe is your building 2
How safe is your building 3
Let’s reflect - FGM
Let’s reflect - GDPR
Low level concerns
Mitigating risk
NeglectOnline safety
Plug Socket Safety
Plug Socket Safety
Professional Curiosity
Risk Assessments (1)
Risk Assessments (2)
Risky play and resources
Role of the DSL
Role of the LADO
Safeguarding Competency Framework - Evidence
Safeguarding Competency Framework
Safer Sleep and SUDI
Signs of safety
The Cycle of Safe Practice - workforce management
The impact of the  pandemic
The Importance of Risk
Toys and Equipment
Trips and Outings
Water Play
Yes and No feelings
Under 2’s – Safer sleep
Under 2’s – Immobile babies

Action planning 

Adapting to change

Appraisals 1

Appraisals 2

Are you self-aware

Childminders - Employing and assistant

Coaching and mentoring

Communication skills

Confident Learning walks

Conflict resolution

CPD Champion

CPD Opportunities

Decisions as a team


Developing effective teamwork

Difference between leadership and management

Effective Supervision

Inspection confidence

Leadership Learning and development CPD

Let's reflect - Building a Team

Let's reflect - Quality leadership skills

Let's reflect - Recruitment & Induction

Let's reflect - Strategic Leadership Approach

Let's reflect- Policy & Procedures

Let's reflect- Staff Retention

Medical needs


Multiagency working (1)

Multiagency working (2)


Observing Practice

Outstanding Leadership

Peer observations

Peer Support

Positive organisational culture

Recognition and praise

Record retention

Recruitment - marketing

Recruitment - process and procedure

Recruitment - what are you looking for


Review your supervision process

SMART targets

Staff Induction 1

Staff Induction 2

Staff wellbeing

SWOT analysis

Team Meetings

Time management

What kind of a leader am I

Under 2’s – The right person for the role

Under 2’s – Who can help


Two year progress check

Observation tasks



Under 2's - Understanding milestones


Expressive arts and design



Personal, social and emotional development


Understanding the world

The 3 Is – Impact

The 3 Is – Implement

The 3 I's – Intent

What makes your setting unique


7 KF-High quality care

7 KF-Self regulation and executive function

7 KF-The best for every child

7 KF-Assessment- checking on what children have learnt

7 KF-Partnership with parents

7 KF-Pedagogy-helping children learn

7 KF-The curriculum- what we want children to learn


Differing philosophies

Learning styles

Learning through play




Characteristics of effective learning-Active learning

Characteristics of effective learning-Creating and thinking critically

Characteristics of effective learning-Playing and exploring


Sustained shared thinking


What have you done today



Developing relationships - settling in

Emotions - feeling secure

Professional love


Active Vs Sedentary

Being Resourceful


Free flow


Outdoor Play

The Elements

Using scrap

Outdoor environment and resources


Child development- Communication and language

Child development- Expressive arts and design

Child development- Literacy

Child development- Mathematics

Child development- Personal, social and emotional

Child development- Physical

Child development- Understanding the world

Child development-Holistic approach


Encouraging independence

Child initiated play

Childs interests

Cultural capital

Voice of the child


Let’s Reflect - 7 Key Features

Let’s Reflect – Assessment

Let’s Reflect - Child Development

Let's Reflect – COEL

Let’s Reflect - Key Person

Let's Reflect – Observations

Let's Reflect – Pedagogy

Let's Reflect – Planning

Let's Reflect - Quality Curriculum

Let's Reflect – Resources

Let's Reflect - The learning environment

Let's Reflect - Unique Child

Under 2’s – Understanding milestones

Under 2’s – Getting the routine right

Under 2’s – Curriculum for under 2’s

Under 2’s – Understanding babies brain development


Leadership and management

Action planning 

Adapting to change

Appraisals 1

Appraisals 2

Are you self-aware

Childminders - Employing and assistant

Coaching and mentoring

Communication skills

Confident Learning walks

Conflict resolution

CPD Champion

CPD Opportunities

Decisions as a team


Developing effective teamwork

Difference between leadership and management

Effective Supervision

Inspection confidence

Leadership Learning and development CPD

Let's reflect - Building a Team

Let's reflect - Quality leadership skills

Let's reflect - Recruitment & Induction

Let's reflect - Strategic Leadership Approach

Let's reflect- Policy & Procedures

Let's reflect- Staff Retention

Medical needs


Multiagency working (1)

Multiagency working (2)


Observing Practice

Outstanding Leadership

Peer observations

Peer Support

Positive organisational culture

Recognition and praise

Record retention

Recruitment - marketing

Recruitment - process and procedure

Recruitment - what are you looking for


Review your supervision process

SMART targets

Staff Induction 1

Staff Induction 2

Staff wellbeing

SWOT analysis

Team Meetings

Time management

What kind of a leader am I

Under 2’s – The right person for the role

Under 2’s – Who can help